autoclave$6014$ - translation to ολλανδικά
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  • επιλογές μετάφρασης λέξεων
  • παραδείγματα χρήσης (πολλές φράσεις με μετάφραση)
  • ετυμολογία

autoclave$6014$ - translation to ολλανδικά

Autoclave cipher; Autoclave cypher; Autokey cypher; Autocipher

n. snelkookpan; autoclaaf, boiler met zelfstandige sluiting


·noun A kind of French stewpan with a steam-tight lid.


Autokey cipher

An autokey cipher (also known as the autoclave cipher) is a cipher that incorporates the message (the plaintext) into the key. The key is generated from the message in some automated fashion, sometimes by selecting certain letters from the text or, more commonly, by adding a short primer key to the front of the message.

There are two forms of autokey cipher: key-autokey and text-autokey ciphers. A key-autokey cipher uses previous members of the keystream to determine the next element in the keystream. A text-autokey uses the previous message text to determine the next element in the keystream.